New products...
I'm the sort of person who loves to see and try new stuff. I wouldn't class myself as a hardcore early adopter, but I'm happy to jump on board for a product that's innovative and different. I'm happy to take the risk that the new product won't be completely suited to me, but love the hunt, and I feel well rewarded if I stumble on a gem.
My continuing search for exotic process coffees is an example of this approach. Most of these coffees are very enjoyable, but only a couple have made me super excited. The best of them, thus far, has been the Kenya Maguta Supernatural... what a stunningly complex coffee. Unfortunately I'm now out of stock and I don't know when greens will next be available (if ever). I continue to experiment with exotic process coffees in small batches. They're expensive, but they can result in divine coffees. Unfortunately, supply of the green beans is uncertain!
So I have two questions for you. The first is... are you someone who is keen to try new products from Garage Roasters or are you happy with a particular coffee and happy to stick with it week in and week out? The second question, how would you feel about a roaster's selection of exotic process coffee? Let me know your thoughts please.
To read about the launch of two new blends click here
To decipher the meaning of "hic sunt dracones" click here
To learn about the importance of surface area to volume ratio click here