... here be dragons!
So I've finally hit that tipping point. Garage Roasters, up to this point, has been about establishing production and delivery capability and a functioning e-commerce website. Check. But now we've got to the point of realisation that all business relies on marketing. So in order to scale Garage Roasters I'm now gearing up to learn about e-commerce and marketing. Shamefully my existing knowledge on these topics is negligible (hence "hic sunt dracones"!). I've signed up to a course on e-commerce and I've also gratefully accepted advice from one customer who has heaps more experience and knowledge in this realm (thanks Sean... I may or may not have used a pseudonym to protect the innocent).
In the meantime may I ask a couple of favours:
1. If you receive an email request to review coffee that you have purchased, I would be so appreciative if you could take a minute to fill in the review; and
2. If you haven't already (and I know many of you have), could you please let your friends and family know that Garage Roasters is here to fulfil their roasted coffee dreams!