Interactions with clients

Interactions with clients

I thought I’d start today with a story about interactions with clients.


In the last batch of orders I had some whole bean Croydon Blend delivered to a first time customer.  Sendle had kindly informed me that the delivery had been successful and I subsequently received this email:


"Coffee received. Thankyou.

I put some in a cup with boiling water and milk and it did not seem to do much. The one I have been using previously is called Maccona and its got smaller grains which melt away quickly and taste good. Am I doing something wrong? Sorry if I am being dumb I don't know much about coffee.”


What on earth do you think when you receive an email like that?  Is it a joke?  Maybe!  Is it serious?  Low probability but a terrible outcome.  So I called.  Thankfully it was a joke.  The customer has been making excellent coffee for over a decade with a La Pavoni pump machine.  We were crying with laughter.


I read the email to my family at dinner last night and couldn’t help but cry with laughter again.  It’s wonderful what a belly laugh can do for you.  Thanks AM for the email!

To hear about a milk steaming survey click here

To learn about the results of our milk steaming survey click here

To hear about roasting points of failure click here

Purchase Garage Roasters coffee here


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