Creating a new product with a client

Creating a new product with a client

I'm super conscious that I roast in accordance with the preferences of my own tastebuds.

I know that I lean towards medium roasts (and probably to the lighter end of that spectrum).  Recently I've been in touch with a client who prefers darker roasted coffee.  He's a home coffee roaster so has plenty of background in the dark (no pun intended) arts of producing tasty coffee.  I'll be running some profile roasts in the next couple of days and inviting this client over to have a taste and see.  He's not the first to ask about a darker roast offering in the Garage Roasters line up and I can see the appeal... more body, higher level of roast character, lower acidity, potentially stronger flavours, although I expect more bitterness and a reduction in fruit character.

I'm also thinking about what I call this darker roast product.  I quite like "Escuro", which means "dark" in Portuguese.  Suggestions are very welcome although please don't be offended if I don't go with what you offer up!

To learn about coffee and health click here

To learn about a potential new Yemeni bean supplier click here

To read about a bizarre coffee puck prep click here

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