Garage Roasters Blog

Would you like your coffee decanted?

Would you like your coffee decanted?

Treatment of small batch roasts The coffee roaster, which is at the centre of this business, has a minimum working batch size of 1,200 g of green coffee in the...

Would you like your coffee decanted?

Treatment of small batch roasts The coffee roaster, which is at the centre of this business, has a minimum working batch size of 1,200 g of green coffee in the...

Ethiopia... the cradle of Arabica...

Ethiopia... the cradle of Arabica...

Ethiopia... the original coffee origin... It's well recognised that coffee originally came from the Kaffa cloud forests of Ethiopia.You've probably heard a version of the legend describing the discovery of coffee...

Ethiopia... the cradle of Arabica...

Ethiopia... the original coffee origin... It's well recognised that coffee originally came from the Kaffa cloud forests of Ethiopia.You've probably heard a version of the legend describing the discovery of coffee...

Yemeni coffee... drinking history

Yemeni coffee... drinking history

Coffee from Yemen... The most expensive single cup of pour over coffee I've ever purchased was consumed in New York City at Blue Bottle eight years ago.  It was a Yemeni...

Yemeni coffee... drinking history

Coffee from Yemen... The most expensive single cup of pour over coffee I've ever purchased was consumed in New York City at Blue Bottle eight years ago.  It was a Yemeni...

Taste subjectivity has a genetic basis...

Taste subjectivity has a genetic basis...

What you taste is different to what I taste... I've gone down a small rabbit warren about the aroma and taste receptors we possess which allow our brains to interact with...

Taste subjectivity has a genetic basis...

What you taste is different to what I taste... I've gone down a small rabbit warren about the aroma and taste receptors we possess which allow our brains to interact with...

The Coffee Taster's Flavour Wheel

The Coffee Taster's Flavour Wheel

Describing the taste of coffee... It's been a long day of packing and moving for us today.  The contents of my old family home have been boxed up and delivered...

The Coffee Taster's Flavour Wheel

Describing the taste of coffee... It's been a long day of packing and moving for us today.  The contents of my old family home have been boxed up and delivered...

The Anatomy of a Coffee Cherry

The Anatomy of a Coffee Cherry

The coffee cherry - an anatomy lesson... I’ve mentioned in this newsletter that coffee beans aren’t technically beans but the seeds of a fruit, the coffee cherry.  The main reason...

The Anatomy of a Coffee Cherry

The coffee cherry - an anatomy lesson... I’ve mentioned in this newsletter that coffee beans aren’t technically beans but the seeds of a fruit, the coffee cherry.  The main reason...