The Hario Skerton Pro hand grinder

The Hario Skerton Pro hand grinder

[Does it look artful having fruit in the background of a photograph?]

Regular readers of this newsletter will know that I have a soft spot for pour over coffee.  If memory serves it was the topic of my very first newsletter.  I think that pour over coffee tastes wonderful and is an extremely economical entry point into specialty coffee whilst also being very space efficient (does anyone believe that their kitchen is too large?).

I've been thinking about providing access to some equipment on the website which will facilitate people having a better coffee experience each day.  I've been a long time fan of Hario equipment for pour over and so the first grinder I thought I'd try was the Hario Skerton Pro hand grinder.

Summary findings - it's a wonderful grinder for the price, extreme value for money.  Hand grinding is not as convenient as using an electric motor driven grinder however the quality of the pour over coming out of the Skerton Pro is ridiculously good.  I tasted the Gesha yesterday both from the Skerton Pro as well as my own (high end) electric grinder and discovered a smaller quality difference than I was expecting.  The hand grinder also emphasised a flavour characteristic which I didn't discern from the electric grinder... ginger!!!  I'll be putting the Hario Skerton Pro grinder on the website soon.

To read a primer on espresso extraction click here

To read about pre-ground versus freshly ground coffee click here

To read about coffee maturity click here

Purchase Garage Roasters coffee here

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